That helped goose an 80% increase in sales outside of North America during the last quarter and swell domestic market share to 11.2%, up from 9.4% a year earlier. 上季度克莱斯勒在北美以外的销量猛增了80%,美国市场占有率也从一年前的9.4%上升到11.2%。
Those outside the team may access the experience report, but ONLY if the team wants to share it. 只有当团队想要共享时,那些团队之外的人才可以看到经验报告。
You will learn how to use predefined themes that are included in the product, how to create your own themes, how to use appearances outside of themes, and how to share user-defined themes. 通过本文您将会学到怎样使用产品中所引入的预定义主题,怎样创建您自己的主题,怎样使用主题之外的外观,以及怎样共享用户自定义的主题。
When collaboration with people outside of your requirements tool is important, how do you reliably share information with them or take information that they give to you as input to your project? 当与需求工具外部的人协作很重要时,您如何可靠地与他们共享信息或将他们提供的信息作为您项目的输入?
Samba follows these symbolic links, which could let people access areas outside of the file share. Samba也支持使用这些符号链接,让用户访问文件共享以外的区域。
However, if you were to take these hobbies outside of your living room and share them with the world you could really expand your potential. 但是,如果你把这些爱好带到起居室外并与这个世界分享,你可以真正拓展你的潜力。
Swift notes that while Hong Kong still dominates renminbi business outside mainland China, its share has been falling as renminbi use in other centres has grown. Swift指出,尽管香港仍在中国内地以外的人民币业务中占据主导地位,但随着其他金融中心人民币使用量的增加,香港所占份额一直在下降。
But finance keeps moving away from official channels – around one-fifth of credit was formed outside of banks in 2009; now that share has doubled, according to Bernstein. 但金融活动正不断脱离官方渠道&伯恩斯坦称,2009年有五分之一的信贷来自银行外,而现在这一比例已经翻番。
It's great to bond with co-workers over life outside the office, but the details of other people's lives aren't yours to share. 你可以和同事讨论办公室外的事情来联络感情,但是不要涉及到别人的私生活。
Share out bonus is sure to divide outside having basic safeguard function, still can be sure every year according to share out bonus the management circumstance of business, decide bonus allocation, this is the biggest characteristic of this product. 分红保险除具有基本保障功能外,每年还可以根据分红保险业务的经营情况,决定红利分配,这是本产品的最大特点。
Chongqing hot pot all over the Great Wall today, both inside and outside, across and within the four seas can share the tasting of Chongqing hot pot. 当今重庆火锅遍布长城内外,大江南北、四海之内均可同享重庆火锅之口福。
The Department thus organizes a wide array of activities for students to enrich their knowledge outside the classroom, and to share their viewpoints with academics and the community at large. 因此,岭大文化研究系积极举办多类型的活动,让学生有机会于课堂外进一步增长知识,并与学者及社会人士交流观点。
It's the first such incident outside the Niger Delta where militants say they're fighting for a greater share, share of oil revenues. 这是尼日尔三角洲以外发生的首次袭击事件。好战分子称他们希望争取石油收益的更大份额。
But outside the confines of the Oval Office few share his optimism. 但在白宫椭圆办公室外,几乎无人认同这种乐观看法。
Zeng Gang, the Chinese ambassador, raised eyebrows by openly calling for exploration contracts that provide outside investors with an ownership share of the oil produced. 中国驻墨西哥大使曾钢曾公开要求墨西哥方面在勘探合同中允许海外投资者拥有产出石油的部分所有权。此番言论引起一片哗然。
Notes: students can also live outside the campus, lodge in Chinese teacher's home, or share dormitory with Chinese students according to relevant rules and regulations. 注:学校亦允许学生按有关规定在校外住宿,在校内教师家住宿或住在中国学生宿舍。
"Teachers should also encourage them to do more reading and writing outside the school syllabus, and help them share what they have written with their classmates." 多看课外书,多写课外文,并鼓励与协助他们把佳作与其他同学们分享
They waited outside his house in anticipation to share the good news with him. 他们在房子外耐心等待这个老人,期望和他一起分享这个好消息。
Outside dish: it is the share amount that shows initiative is bought. 外盘:是指主动性买入的股票数量。
Some ( inside and outside China) see this as a static zero-sum game for global market share. 有些人(中国国内外的都有)认为,就全球市场份额而言,这是一场静态的零和游戏。
Mr Pandit said the emergence of new corporate champions outside the developed world was likely to lead to the bank seeing the share of its business from emerging markets increase. 潘伟迪表示,发达世界以外新的企业冠军的出现,可能导致花旗新兴市场业务份额增长。
InfoQ: Outside of the focus on standards can you share some insights into the product strategy and the criteria for picking products to be included in the product suite? InfoQ:除了关注标准,你能否分享一些关于产品策略以及将产品包含进产品集中的标准的看法?
From this, Bohai Sea bank also becomes China the first is being initiated establish level to introduce investor of the strategy outside the condition to believe the share-holding system commercial bank that asks means to draw natural person share with gather capital. 由此,渤海银行也成为中国第一家在发起设立阶段就引进境外战略投资者并以集合资金信托方式吸收自然人参股的股份制商业银行。
The paper at intro country inside and outside numeric resource build and share of actuality, bring up our country numeric resource build and share existent question and actualize precept of explore. 介绍了国内外数字信息资源建设与共享的现状,提出了我国数字信息资源建设与共享存在的问题与实施方案。
Hostile acquisition may function in supervising the directorate and promoting the efficiency of the management from the outside, and maintain the share value of the corporation. 敌意收购可以从公司外部监督管理者,确保公司管理层努力提高工作效率,并自觉维护股票的价值。
The evaluation mechanism should be established inside and outside the community, and various school resources should be open to community to achieve share. 要建立社区内外的课程评价机制,各类学校资源应尽量向社区开放,实现共享。
Since our country had carried out the "Go Outside" strategy, the international project contract share of state-owned construction enterprises increased greatly. Thus, international project management is becoming more and more important. 国家实施走出去战略以来,国有建筑企业国际工程承包的份额越来越多,国际工程项目管理日益重要。
For harmonious, stable, equitable, just outside the environment and social atmosphere do my share. 为构建和谐、稳定、公平、正义的户外公共环境和社会氛围尽自己一份力量。